ChrisYandekStratosphereTower-460x249[1]This week on Vegas Never Sleeps, you’ll meet internet sensation Chris Yandek, who discusses why he calls Vegas “everyone’s favorite place, even for people who don’t gamble.” There is so much to do in Las Vegas, and you don’t have to spend a lot of money if you don’t want. Listen in to get some great tips when traveling to Vegas!

Later in the show, we’ll go back to the days when atomic blasts were tourist attractions. You have to plan to stop in for an amazing cocktail at Atomic Liquors, the oldest free standing bar in Vegas built in 1945.

And finally, we have Steve Cutler at the Casino Legends Hall of Fame talking about security, and our Vegas insider Scott Roeben tells us the fascinating and sad story of Lonnie the Hoarder with some amazing Las Vegas memorabilia that you have to hear, and see.

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